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Omni - Library Discovery Search

Omni replaces Summon as our public-facing discovery layer for navigating physical and electronic resources from OCAD U Library and beyond! This guide will cover everything you need to know to get started and make the most of Omni.

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Available online Only electronic content (exclude print)
Peer-Reviewed Journals Only electronic content (exclude print) Peer-Reviewed Journals    Journals and articles that have been reviewed by a committee of specialists
Open Access Only content freely available without a subscription or purchase
Available in OCADU Physical material available in the Library
Resource Type section (highlights) Type of content, including articles, books, chapters, conference proceedings, and much more
Reference Entries Content from a book designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover.
Text Resources Unclassifiable textual sources.  Includes pamphlets, papers, electronic resources, personal narratives, transcripts, publications and exams
Realia Actual objects in the library collection (ex. microphone)
Publication Date section Use the From and To arrows to narrow down results according to date
Subject section Broad subject areas
Author/Creator The author, publisher, creator or producer of content
Journal Title Journal titles within which content is published

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This page was adapted with permission from Bibliothèque de l’université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Library