"Turning his exceptional eye to some of nature's most unique creations, acclaimed photographer Bela Kalman has created in Succulents a photographic work that is at once striking, otherworldly, surprising, virtually three-dimensional, and nothing short of spectacular. Every photograph in this dynamic book is set against a rich black background, which captures the many textural, sensual, and sculptural qualities of these unusual plants. The variety is staggering: some look like golf balls lightly dusted with moss, and some resemble an Art Deco skyscraper; some have antlerlike growths, while others could pass for a plate of fresh spinach linguine or a model of a spacecraft from another planet. Their vernacular names are no less colorful: Greater Dumplin', Baby Toes, Mexican Old-Man, Brain Cactus, Tiger Chaps, and Cats Jaw." -- From the publisher.
Inspired by physicist and environmental leader Dr. Vandana Shiva, this collection of essays draw on the wisdom of ancient and modern traditions to remind readers of the profound sacredness of the seed--how in its purity, it is the source and renewal of all of life. For centuries the planting of the seed in the earth not only nourished humanity, but also symbolized the mystery of life and the journey of the soul. Yet, modern culture has begun to lose an appreciation of the primal meaning of the seed. Tenderly created from original writings of mystics, shamans, monastics, and priests, and featuring vibrant photos, this book bears witness that the Earth is alive, and establishes that only by working together with the earth--with its wonder and mystery--can we help in its healing and regeneration and once again bring meaning back into the world.
The artist Angie Lewin has a unique vision of the natural world. Her hugely popular prints depict in intricate detail the native flora of a variety of environments, from salt marsh and Highland loch to flower-strewn meadow and wild garden. Plants and Places presents over 70 of Lewin's beautifully crafted linocuts and wood engravings. The works are grouped according to habitat - such as coast, woodland and hedgerow, and garden - together with drawings, paintings and collages from Lewin's sketchbooks of grasses, seed pods, seaweed, shells and other objects that she has collected on her walks.
We live in a world of seeds. From our morning toast to the cotton in our clothes, they are quite literally the stuff and staff of life: supporting diets, economies, and civilizations around the globe. Just as the search for nutmeg and pepper drove the Age of Discovery, coffee beans fueled the Enlightenment and cottonseed sparked the Industrial Revolution. Seeds are fundamental objects of beauty, evolutionary wonders, and simple fascinations. Yet, despite their importance, seeds are often seen as commonplace, their extraordinary natural and human histories overlooked.
Painterly Plants explores the fascinating relationship between horticulture and art through 14 of the most exquisitely beautiful flowers that nature and hybridization can produce. Some are the subjects of history's most famous botanical masterpieces, while others look as if they themselves have been daubed with paint. Each chapter focuses on an enduringly popular plant and its most spectacular varieties, providing a history - including its artistic history - with plenty of lively anecdotal information, and a key botanical illustration that is discussed in the text.
Marie-Jeanne Lorenté, an experienced artist and teacher, tells you everything you need to know, from assembling the simple equipment to gathering and processing plant fibers, including cooking, bleaching, rinsing, adding textures to the pulp, and drying the sheets of paper. Hundreds of beautiful color photographs illustrate the procedures as well as the plant materials and the unique papers they produce.
Patrick Blanc, an artist with a green thumb, has created dozens of his admired botanical tapestries in public and private spaces around the world. In this luscious, oversize, all-color book, he explains how to create plant walls using more than one thousand plants, drawing on his observation of natural milieus, his technique of growing on vertical surfaces, his savoir faire, and his passion for plants.
Highlighting an enduring interest in natural history from the 16th century to the present, this gorgeous book explores depictions of the natural world, from centuries-old manuscripts to contemporary artists' books. It examines the scientific pursuits in the 18th and 19th centuries that resulted in the collecting and cataloguing of the natural world. It also investigates the aesthetically oriented activities of self-taught naturalists in the 19th century, who gathered flowers, ferns, seaweed, feathers, and other naturalia into albums.
When one speaks of the beauty of Mother Nature, lush leaves and bright blooms in the sun often come to mind. However, there is so much charm to be found in her lesser-noticed side, sprouting silently in the places people rarely look at. The fungi family is full of intriguing species in a variety of shapes, patterns, and sizes that brim with character in the eyes of the observant. Fungal Inspiration is a visual collection of often-hidden gems that highlight the wilder side of nature from around the world. From the intricately detailed to the delightfully quirky, the projects demonstrate a wide range of creativity and a keen appreciation for the unique by the artists and designers who add their own personalities to the curiosities they bring to life on canvas.