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OCAD U Library 2018 Fall: Reference

DIY Book Displays


Found a book that is a hidden treasure in the library?

Are there library books that you want the OCAD U community to read?

Have a unique area of research that you know will inspire OCAD U researchers?

Starting on Monday 17 September, the library will be introducing a display table for you to curate a mini book display. It's meant to be open, free-form and inspired by DIY aesthetics.

Here's how it will work:

  1. talk to librarians at the reference desk and see if the table is available;
  2. select the books for your display and bring them to the reference desk; we'll ensure that they are signed out to a "display status"
  3. we can set them up for you, or if you have 10 minutes to spare, feel free to arrange them yourself
  4. you can remain anonymous or include your name by providing any signage that you feel is appropriate, or feel free to let viewers guess what the theme is
  5. we'll keep the display up for at least one week, but note that people can sign out the books from the display. So if all your books are signed out within the week...your book display was a success!

We will not curate, constrain, or censor any of your selections; if you feel that the display will be informative and entertaining for OCAD U students, staff, and faculty, then we'll help you make it happen!


Information Literacy

Recent concerns regarding fake news, alternative facts, clickbait, and filter bubbles are definitely not just a recent phenomenon.

Why is this a library issue? At the OCAD U Library, we dedicate our work as librarians to information literacy; a strategy that enables students to confidently navigate research portals, decode sources, and critically evaluate information.

For we firmly believe that critical thinking occurs when critical tools are used for research and information retrieval.

Help students learn to access the trustworthy & accurate information they know that they need!

HOW? Contact Daniel Payne ( to arrange an in-class library information session for your 2017 Summer classes; seminars can be formatted for specific course assignments or based on a range of research themes such as:

  •   using research models as wayfinding devices for navigating the new information environment;
  •   using information to build a thesis, then activating these resources to structure critical writing or artistic creation;  
  •   learning how studio-based creativity can be a model for academic inquiry.

Other information literacy options:

  • VISIT the Library or Learning Zone for a hands-on exploration of our artists’ books, rare books, graphic novels, zines, or other special collections.
  • EXHIBIT artworks in the library space as part of our on-going Library Site Interventions and demonstrate how information literacy can be empowered by studio-based learning.
  • POP-UP BOOK MOBILE: contact us to arrange a subject-specific collection of library books to bring to your classroom or studio; with a valid ID card, students can sign out books on-site.
  • WORKSHOP: arrange a course-specific workshop in the classroom, studio, or library to integrate library collections into course assignments.

image credit: Opper, Frederick Burr. The fin de siècle newspaper proprietor / F. Opper, illus. from Puck, v. 35, no. 887, (1894 March 7), centerfold. Copyright 1894 by Keppler & Schwarzmann.Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.