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OCAD U Library 2018 Fall: Learning Zone

New Zines on display

Come and check out the OCAD Zine Library's new zine display with a focus on Indigenous peoples and decolonization, which is a priority for collection development of the zine library. Here are a few highlights from the collection on display: Colonization and Decolonization: A Manual for Indigenous Liberation in the 21st Century, Locusts: A Post-Queer Nation Zine and Muchacha Decolonize Travel.

Fall Learning Zone Events

buttonmaking machine and collage material


Buttonmaking Party

Lobby of 100 McCaul

September 27th, 10am to 4pm

You're invited to the LZ buttonmaking party! For a small cost you can make unique buttons to show off on your backpack or denim jacket.


grOCAD Plant Sale

Lobby of 100 McCaul

October 4th, 10am to 5pm (or until sold out)

Come buy a plant to brighten up your home or studio space! Plants are propagated from the Windowfarm and Aqua farm located in the Learning Zone. Funds go toward maintaining these systems for the enjoyment of our whole community.


Poster Fair

Lobby of 100 McCaul

October 24th, 10am to 6pm

The Poster Fair is an opportunity for students to sell their original prints, postcards and posters. The fair will represent a range of prices and media, from screenprinted and letterpress to digitally printed works. Keep an eye out for our Call for Vendors in the coming weeks.


Call for Exhibitions

The Learning Zone is accepting exhibition proposals for the Fall & Winter term. With a large glass wall facing the first level of Village by the Grange, the Learning Zone Main Space provides an excellent opportunity to have your work seen by the OCAD U community and the general public. Due to the flexibility of our space, we can accommodate a broad variety of formats: two dimensional, three dimensional, installation, performance, audio or video work. 

The Learning Zone encourages submissions from all areas of study at OCAD University, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and alumni. We accept proposals for solo and group exhibitions. Students who wish to curate an exhibition of student work are also encouraged to apply.

Our application process is simple and easy. Students or Faculty interested in planning an exhibit in the Learning Zone should contact LZ Librarian, Marta Chudolinska at with the following information: Medium and theme of work to be exhibited, Approximate number of pieces to be installed, Potential dates of interest, Program of Study & Year Level. Don't be intimidated, we're here to help make your exhibit idea a reality!

For more information on how to submit an exhibition proposal, please refer to our submission guidelines: