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Halloween Spirit

Ghosts, ghouls, and the gothic...a selection of books from the library that are in the spirit of Halloween! Find books about monsters, vampires, witches, the paranormal, the gothic in art, Halloween graphics, costume ideas, and more...if you dare...

This is a small, Canadian-specific selection of the horror film titles available through the library's various streaming services. For a full list of streaming services visit the Streaming Video section of the Library's Databases A-Z list.




Crimes of the Future, dir. David Cronenberg (2022)

As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. With his partner Caprice (Léa Seydoux), Saul Tenser (Viggo Mortensen), celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. Timlin (Kristen Stewart), an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed Their mission - to use Saul s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.





Blood Quantum, dir. Jeff Barnaby (2019)

The term "blood quantum" refers to a colonial blood measurement system that is used to determine an individual's Indigenous status, and is criticized as a tool of control and erasure of Indigenous peoples. The words take on even more provocative implications as the title of Jeff Barnaby's sophomore feature, which grimly depicts an apocalyptic scenario where in an isolated Mi'gmaq community discover they are the only humans immune to a zombie plague. As the citizens of surrounding cities flee to the Mi'gmaq reserve in search of refuge from the outbreak, the community must reckon with whether to let the outsiders in - and thus risk not just the extinction of their tribe but of humanity, period. 






Ginger Snaps, dir. John Fawcett (2001)

Brigitte Fitzgerald and her sister Ginger are best friends and teenage outcasts. They loathe their mind-numbing suburban existence and for amusement share an obsession with dying. One night in the woods on the edge of the suburb, while they are pulling an evil prank on an obnoxious classmate, Ginger is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger survives and her vicious wounds miraculously heal over, but something is quite different. Ginger is wildly irritable and is in denial. Brigitte is convinced that the insatiable cravings her sister is experiencing can mean only one thing... something unspeakably evil and monstrous.






Pontypool, dir. Bruce McDonald (2009)

The flick is set in a radio station in Pontypool where one day the morning team starts taking reports of extreme, bloody incidents of violence occurring in town. As the story unfolds, the radio staff soon realizes the violence that is ripping society apart is due to a virus being spread through the English language. That in turn poses a problem for a yappy radio jock and his staff holed up in the broadcast booth housed in the basement of the town's abandoned church as a slaughter rages beyond its walls.








The Fly, dir. David Cronenberg (1986)

Acclaimed horror director David Cronenberg brings his unique style to this startling remake of the 1958 Vincent Price shocker. A Brooks film Presentation starring Jeff Goldblum, The Fly is the horrifying story of an unfortunate scientist whose molecules are scrambled with those of a common housefly during an experiment in matter transmission. Goldblum is transformed, step by hideous step, into a gigantic fly — incredibly agile, super strong, and driven to murder by appetites he cannot control. A frightening tale of technology gone awry, The Fly is destined to become a horror classic.